Ubisoft's New Policy Suspends Inactive Accounts and Disables Access to Game Libraries

  • Steve Nielsen
  • 7/23/2023
Ubisoft's New Policy Suspends Inactive Accounts and Disables Access to Game Libraries

Ubisoft, a globe-known video game company, has updated its account management policy to include a new clause that impacts inactive player accounts. The new policy, which has elicited significant concern among customers, states that if an Ubisoft account stays inactive for over two years, it will be suspended and subsequently lose access to its entire game library.

Ubisoft's new regulation appears harsh at first glance, with it threatening to axe the digital collections of users who fail to consistently engage with the platform. The clause is relatively broad and does not detail any allowances for specific circumstances or provide a clear distinction between 'inactive' and 'infrequent' use. This lack of detail and ambiguity have led to a significant outcry from the gaming community.

Many players have raised concerns regarding the strict enforcement of this policy and the potential loss of games they have rightfully purchased. Furthermore, infrequent gamers and families sharing a single account hesitate about the policy’s implications, particularly on access to their game libraries.

While this new policy certainly appears draconic, perhaps there is some rationale behind Ubisoft's decision. Maintaining inactive accounts can indeed be a drain on resources, and purging these might streamline the system, enhancing performance for active users. Regardless, Ubisoft might encounter challenges with this approach, specifically the issue of respecting consumer rights to content they've paid for. Only time will tell if this new policy will survive, or if Ubisoft will have to revert to a more user-friendly approach.

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