Tekken 8: New Mechanics and Features - Get Ready for the Next Level of Fighting Games!

  • Hannah Paul
  • 2/4/2023
Tekken 8: New Mechanics and Features - Get Ready for the Next Level of Fighting Games!

The beloved Tekken series is back with its eighth installment, Tekken 8. This time, the game will offer a new set of mechanics and features that are sure to shake up the fighting game scene. After 8 years after the release of Tekken 7, Katsuhiro Harada and his team have worked hard to bring something new and exciting to Tekken fans. In a new keynote, Tekken 8 executive director Katsuhiro Harada and game director Kohei Ikeda detailed the upcoming game's new mechanics.

The biggest addition to Tekken 8 is a change to the Rage system. Rage Arts will now be the same across all characters, while the Rage Drive techniques have been removed. Additionally, a new Recovery Gauge mechanic has been added, similar to the one used in Tekken Tag Tournament. This mechanic allows a portion of health to be regained if the player successfully blocks a big move from their opponent.

The next addition to Tekken 8 is the Heat System which benefits the attacker. It features a Heat Gauge and gives the player a few seconds to pummel their opponents. Furthermore, it enhances certain moves and combos and also enables the player to unleash a devastating Heat Smash attack. Finally, a new Special Controller Style has been added, which is designed to make combos and assists more accessible for casual players.

Tekken 8 is sure to set the bar for fighting games and take the genre to the next level. With new mechanics and features and the classic elements that made the series so popular, Tekken 8 is sure to be an incredible experience for fans and newcomers alike. The exact release date has yet to be announced, but the game is sure to be worth the wait.

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