Embracing the Future: 12 AI Predictions That Will Shape 2024

  • Alina Burns
  • 12/19/2023
Embracing the Future: 12 AI Predictions That Will Shape 2024

As we stand on the cusp of 2024, the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) continues to grow louder. Conversations that once revolved around the fear of job displacement and dystopian futures have matured into nuanced discussions about how AI can augment human capabilities and drive innovation. Experts from SAS, a leading name in the realm of AI and analytics, have come forward with a series of predictions for the year ahead. These insights paint a picture of a future not dominated by AI, but enhanced by it, where businesses leverage technology to make smarter, more responsible decisions. Let's delve into these twelve predictions that promise to redefine industries and touch every aspect of our lives.

1. Generative AI: Complementing Industry-Specific Strategies

Bryan Harris, Chief Technology Officer at SAS, envisions a 2024 where generative AI is no longer seen as a standalone marvel but as a key component in a broader AI strategy. Its applications will span various sectors, from generating simulated data in banking for risk assessment to creating customized treatment plans in healthcare. In manufacturing, generative AI will enable simulation-driven improvements, enhancing the overall production process.

2. The Job Creation Engine: AI's Silver Lining

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Udo Sglavo, Vice President of Advanced Analytics, counters the job displacement narrative with a more optimistic outlook. He predicts that AI will birth new roles, such as prompt engineering, that link potential with practical application. The technology will empower workers across various skill levels, fostering economic growth and expanding the job market in unforeseen ways.

3. Responsible Marketing Thrives with AI

Chief Marketing Officer Jennifer Chase highlights the importance of responsible marketing in an AI-driven world. With increased awareness of AI’s limitations and potential biases, marketers will implement tools like model cards to ensure their algorithms are both effective and fair. This commitment to responsibility will permeate all levels of marketing, regardless of one's technical expertise.

4. Navigating the Dark Age of Fraud with AI

Stu Bradley, Senior Vice President of Risk, Fraud, and Compliance Solutions, warns of a "Dark Age of Fraud" as scammers utilize generative AI and deepfake technology to refine their tactics. Financial firms will increasingly rely on AI to bolster their defenses against sophisticated frauds, spurred by regulatory pressures and the imperative to protect consumers.

5. Shadow AI: The New Challenge for CIOs

shadow ai keyboard

Jay Upchurch, Chief Information Officer, speaks to the emergence of 'shadow AI'—AI solutions developed or employed without IT's oversight. In the same vein as shadow IT, shadow AI presents a challenge for organizations striving to balance productivity gains with the need for proper governance and risk management.

6. Multimodal AI and AI Simulation: Pushing Boundaries

Multimodal AI, which integrates text, images, and audio, is set to break new ground, according to Marinela Profi, AI/Generative AI Strategy Advisor. This advancement will enable more context-aware applications and decision-making processes, with implications for augmented and virtual reality, as well as the simulation of complex systems like digital twins.

7. Digital Twins: Accelerating Adoption

Jason Mann, Vice President of IoT, foresees a surge in digital twin technology usage. By analyzing real-time data from sensors and operations, digital twins will optimize functions in manufacturing, smart cities, and energy grids, leading to enhanced product quality, safety, reliability, and sustainability.

8. AI: Insurers' Ally Against Climate Risk


Troy Haines, Senior Vice President of Risk Research and Quantitative Solutions, underscores the insurance industry's urgent need to address climate risk. AI will be instrumental for insurers to manage data effectively, enabling them to set dynamic premiums, assess risks accurately, and improve customer service.

9. AI's Expanding Role in Government

Reggie Townsend, Vice President of the SAS Data Ethics Practice, foresees AI's workforce impact becoming more pronounced in government sectors. With the challenge of attracting AI talent due to high salary demands, governments will seek expertise to support regulatory actions and leverage AI to alleviate talent shortages.

10. Generative AI: Transforming Patient Care

Steve Kearney, Global Medical Director, anticipates that generative AI will profoundly impact patient care by enabling personalized medicine. AI-powered tools will play critical roles in clinical trials and the creation of individualized treatment plans, enhancing the overall healthcare experience.

11. Deliberate AI Deployment: A Make-or-Break for Insurers

Deliberate AI Deployment

Franklin Manchester, Global Insurance Strategic Advisor, cautions that hasty AI deployment could spell disaster for insurers. The pressure to automate processes may lead to a lack of oversight, potentially resulting in flawed business decisions and a loss of consumer and regulator trust.

12. AI's Academic Boost to Public Health

Dr. Meghan Schaeffer, National Public Health Advisor and Epidemiologist, predicts that public health will benefit from collaborations with academia. AI-driven modeling and forecasting by academic researchers will become crucial in supporting government-led public health initiatives.

Conclusion: AI as a Collaborative Force in 2024

As we gaze into the AI-infused horizon of 2024, it's evident that artificial intelligence is not a harbinger of job destruction or societal collapse but a transformative force capable of enhancing human endeavor and enterprise. The predictions from SAS experts provide a roadmap for harnessing AI responsibly and effectively, ensuring that as AI evolves, it does so in tandem with our collective values and aspirations. The future lies not in fearing AI but in collaborating with it to unlock our full potential and navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

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