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Review: Hello Neighbor

Hello Neighbor Hide & Seek is a game that was released on December 8, 2018. The game is a sequel to the original Hello Neighbor game which was released in August 2017. The objective of the game is to find hidden objects in the neighbor's house while avoiding being caught by the neighbor.


The graphics in Hello Neighbor Hide & Seek are colorful and vibrant. The game is set in a cartoon-like world and the characters are designed to look like they are from a cartoon. The graphics are good for a game that is designed for children. The game uses a unique art style that combines realism with cartoon-like visuals. The environment is well-detailed and the characters look realistic. The animations are smooth and the frame rate is stable.


The gameplay of Hello Neighbor Hide & Seek is simple and easy to understand. The player is given a list of objects to find in the neighbor's house. The player must search for the objects in the house and avoid being caught by the neighbor. The game is designed to be played by children and is not very challenging. The game is played from a first-person perspective. You have to use your stealth and problem-solving skills to avoid being caught by your neighbor. The gameplay requires patience and trial-and-error.

Replay Value

Hello Neighbor Hide & Seek has good replay value. The game is designed to be replayable and it is easy to restart the game and play it again. The game is also designed to be played by children, so it is likely that they will want to play the game again.


Hello Neighbor Hide & Seek is a fun and challenging game with high replay value. The game has impressive graphics and interesting gameplay. If you are looking for a game to keep you busy for a while, then this is the game for you.

Graphics 4

Gameplay 4

Controls 4

Replay Value 4

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